
At, your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, and we have taken every precaution to make sure your personal information is kept safe. Our Privacy Pledge lays out every measure we have taken to maintain your privacy and give you a great experience while using

The Privacy Pledge is for and covers any information collected online by This Privacy Pledge does not apply to every website linked from, so be sure to check out the privacy policies on websites outside of

How we collect and use information

In order to deliver the best products and services for you, asks users to submit personal information through the website. By collecting this information, we are able to tell if you are eligible for certain products or services, and we can also let you know of any products or services that might interest you in the future.

We might collect information from the sources listed below.

If you are looking to obtain quotes for home purchase loans, home refinance loans, home equity loans, or auto loans, we will ask for your full name, address, phone number, Social Security Number, and other relevant financial information depending on the nature of your request. If you are interested in obtaining a credit card, we might ask you to submit your full name and home address. You might also be asked to submit additional personal information after you are linked with a credit card issuer’s website. We will request certain information if you are interested in obtaining quotes for products or services that is offered by one of our business partners. We will request certain information if you request more information on insurance, long distance service, and internet access. If you want us to contact you, we will ask for your contact information like an e-mail address or phone number. If you sign up for any promotions or sweepstakes on, we will ask for your full name, mailing address, and e-mail address.

In addition to the information above, we collect demographic information from time to time which may include but is not limited to gender or zip code. Demographic information does not include any sensitive personal information. Also, there might be instances where we may supplement your account with information from additional online or offline sources.

How we share your information

These are the circumstances under which we would share information about an user:

Loan Products or Service Requests: When you request quotes for loan products or services offered through, we will share your full name, address, telephone number, property location, self-assessed value, Social Security Number, and any other pertinent information (all of which will be contained in your quote request form) with third parties (banks, mortgage lenders and brokers, dealerships, and lead aggregators, known collectively as “Lender” or “Lenders”) in the ApprovedLoanStore client network in order to process and fulfill your request. Sometimes we might obtain additional information about you and share that information with Lenders in the ApprovedLoanStore network.

Lenders in the ALS network have all reached agreements with They are required to comply with federal and state privacy regulations. When you request a quote or service from, you give Lenders the right to contact you via phone, automated calling, email, and/or postal mail depending upon the information you furnish in your request, regardless of whether you are on the Federal Trade Commission’s National Do Not Call List, a statewide Do Not Call List, or any other Do Not Call List. You will have to tell a lender directly that you do not want to be contacted again in regard to your quote or service request.

Credit Card Requests: You will be asked to provide personal information (full name, home address, etc.) when requesting more information about credit cards.

Other Products or Service Requests: When you apply for any quotes or services not listed here, we will ask you to provide your full name, address, telephone number, email address, or other pertinent personal information. Your personal information will either be provided directly to one of’s business partners or collected by and passed along to a business partner that provides the product or service requested. What that business does with your personal information depends upon that business’ privacy policy.

Vendors: Some of the information that we collect is provided to our marketing distribution, advertising, or other service companies. We only disclose information that they require to do their work, and once we have disclosed it, they cannot use it in any other manner or disclose it to anyone else.

Job Postings: does receive resume and employment-related submissions, and all information contained in these submissions are used only to evaluate employment possibilities. Please note that these submissions are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Subsidiaries, Parent or Sister Companies: Personal and demographic information provided by users might be shared with the company’s subsidiaries, parent company, or sister companies such as

Aggregate, Non-Personal, or De-identified Information: shares certain general, non-personal information about users that is not specific to a certain user with third parties such as those who create targeted advertising for the website. If you want to disable cookies on, there are instructions for disabling cookies in the section below titled “Offering You Choices.”

As Permitted by Law: There are instances where may have to share user(s) personal information with government agencies or law enforcement. These cases include but are not limited to subpoenas, court orders, and federal or state audits. In these cases, the information provided could help in investigating, stopping, or prosecuting those participating in illegal activities, suspected fraud, threats to physical safety, any other violations to ALS’s Terms of Use, or other unlawful activity.

Business Transfer: If is ever acquired by another company, all user information will be available to the successor company, but they would be bound by’s Privacy Policy unless you the user agree to a new privacy policy.

Advertisement and Third Party Ad Servers

Banner advertisements and pop up window advertisements on third party websites are not controlled by Third party websites might also use cookies to gauge the effectiveness of their advertising. You will have to read that website’s privacy policy to find out if they use cookies and how to disable them if you wish to do so.

Cookies and IP Addresses does utilize “cookies,” or small bits of code that is stored on your hard drive so that can personalize itself for each particular user. Cookies speed up page loading time, and the information gathered allows advertisers to know what products or services a customer might be interested in. Activity on the website is also collected to gauge how successful and its business partners are serving ALS users. Internet Protocol addresses, or IP addresses, are also stored by

Clear Gifs utilizes clear gifs. These are also known as Web Beacons, and they let us know what content on the website is effective and help us manage our web content. Clear gifs track online movement and also tell us if email communications have been opened, but they are not tied to any user’s personally identifiable information.

Offering You Choices

Marketing Email Options: You can sign up on our website to receive newsletters, offers, and promotions from us by email. If you decide that you no longer wish to receive email communication from us, send an email to’s Customer Care or you can also click the unsubscribe link in our emails.

Refusing Cookies: As stated above, does use cookies to better target third-party advertising to our users, but if at any time you want to disable cookies from, you can adjust your web browser settings to disable cookies.

Third Party Advertisers: has control over its own mailing list and policies. If you are receiving communications from one of our third party companies and wish to discontinue communications, you must contact that company directly.

Confidentiality and Security has taken every measure to protect your personal information. We limit the number of people who see customer information, and we additionally have physical and electronic safeguards in place. The only people who will ever see your personal information are employees or agents who are helping process your request.

Third Party Links

Please read through the privacy policies of any third party companies that are linked from as they might have differing policies on clear gifs, cookies, and the use of personal information.

Age Requirement is meant for users 18 years of age or older. Users under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian’s assistance, and we will not store, use, or share any information about ALS users under 18 years of age.

Removing User Information

According to federal and state regulations, all information submitted by ALS users must be maintained for certain periods of time. We are compliant with these regulations and thus cannot delete user information from our database.


You can contact by sending a letter to: 16 West 36th Street, #901 New York, NY 10018

Privacy Policy Changes

The reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted here along with the last date it was updated. If there are any changes to the use of your personal information that require you to opt-in, we will contact you. If there are changes to the Privacy Policy that you do not agree with, then stop using the website and its services. By using the website, you are agreeing to’s Privacy Policy.

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